Overcomers Win the Prize


The New Jerusalem by Moses Paul

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How does it feel if you miss the end of a film? What if you don’t know how the story ends? How about the last two chapters of the bible? It’s about a place beyond heaven: the New Jerusalem, the climax of the bible.

Do all the believers who make it to Heaven, enter this holy city or only the ‘Overcomers’? What is the reward for those who passionately pursue God, and are faithful to their calling? What happens in the New Jerusalem? Why is it the climax of the bible?

This book shows how many believers in eternity will be crying on the first day. They get into heaven but the doors of the Holy city are shut to them. They weep outside. They miss the main purpose of this tough age although they will have eternal life through faith in Jesus.

If you get a vision for God’s rewards in eternity and stay humble and full of love, you will be like the winning athlete on the front cover, on your first day in heaven, receiving the ultimate prize.

What is the purpose of the first 1000 years after Jesus comes? What will be our work in eternity apart from worship? The answers to these and other mysteries, received by John in revelation are explained in this book.



1)Beyond Heaven…
Part of Heaven that is Better than Heaven
2)Destined for the Throne:
The Purpose of the Millennium
3)Outside The New Jerusalem!
Many Believers Weeping On The First Day
4)Feasting on the Supernatural Tree of Life
Food For The Resurrection Body
5)The Coming of the Father
Face to Face with God
6)The Lamb’s Intimate Part Of:
The Book Of Life
7)The Most Holy ‘Cube’?

8)Strategy to Maximize The Number of Overcomers
The Purpose of the End Times